YourPediatrician Reviews - by us and about us
December 1999 - I have recently read the book The Poisons and Antidotes SourceBook from the Facts For Life series by Checkmark Books ($29.95 Hardcover, $16.95 Paperback). This second edition by Carol Turkington provides impressive details on the seriousness of a wide variety of poisoning, and appropriate treatment required by parents and professionals. Everything from lead, food, and pesticide poisonings and their symptoms, to preventive measures recommended for parents, makes for an easy read on a rather tough subject. The first section is thoughtfully written for both the parent and professional with the second resource section detailing specific poisonings (a great reference). As a pediatrician I find it a wonderful resource to have in the office; parents will appreciate its usefulness in the home as well. I am a particular fan of the sections on health and safety promotion through preventing poisonings in the first place. My opinion is simply, now that I know of the book, "I wouldn’t be found in the office without it!"
Steven J. Halm, DO, FAAP
Founder, President, Inc.
November, 1999 - Simply the best resource available in one book for expectant and new parents, as well as experienced parents, Caring For Your Baby and Young Child: Birth To Age Five (1998) from the American Academy of Pediatrics is always your best bet. It is simple to understand and makes for an excellent resource book for years to come. If you want the book that YourPediatrician, as well as your OWN pediatrician probably recommends, get this book. I always tell patients in my practice "there are probably plenty of good books out there on parenting, but this is THE ONE that I have read and make recommendations from everyday that I am sure are accurate and up-to-date." Parents simply can’t go wrong with this book. ($19.95 Paperback).
Steven J. Halm, DO, FAAP
Founder, President, Inc
September, 2000 - Herbal and "natural" medicine has become enormously popular in the last few years. Natural remedies are finally being somewhat accepted by many mainstream pediatricians with parents seeking alternative remedies for their children. NOW, there is a great resource available to both parents and pediatricians that is a gold-standard for alternative forms of medicine as it pertains to pediatrics. The Holistic Pediatrician: A Parents Comprehensive Guide to Safe and Effective Therapies for the 25 Most Common Childhood Ailments(1996) by Kathi J. Kemper, MD is a wonderful resource, providing accurate information on clinically proven (and unproven) remedies from the fields of mind-body medicine, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and herbal medicine. It is gives clear advice for treating conditions like eczema and skin rashes, colic and sleeplessness in babies and children. A GREAT RESOURCE!
Steven J. Halm, DO, FAAP
Founder, President, Inc
April 2000 - considered a 
January 2000 - subscribes to the "HON" (Health On the Net) code of ethics.
December 1999 - "This brainchild of Dr. Steven J. Halm, a North Carolina internist and pediatrician, is designed for parents, kids, and other pediatricians. For parents, there are these pediatric health and safety tips and a nationwide list of local poison control centers. This Cool Things Menu is sure to amuse and educate the kids. For your pediatrician, there's everything from patient handouts to instructions on building a Web site.
We love the idea of including other doctors -- as well as patients and their children -- on a physician-sponsored health education site. For whomever visits, YourPediatrician is graphically pleasing, easy to navigate and includes relevant, accurate information and tips..."
October 1999 - ( ) - A 4-STAR SITE! "This must see site features Kid topics, parenting resources, search and discussion pages and much more!"
ABC's of Parenting at
November, 2015 - is ranked #1 on Google search term "Becoming a Pediatrician" - has been since 2009!